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We invite you for the forthcoming IT in Logistics conference which will be held on 26th April, 2012 in Poznań at the Mercure Hotel.

Our EDI intrapreneur, Roberto Lusini, has prepared and is going to give a presentation entitled ‘Improving logistics processes with the use of EDI’. It will deal with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) solutions and the benefits resulting from their introduction. We would like to share our experience in EDI of our company, a pioneer in EDI solutions in Poland.

The presented functions facilitating communication and documents exchange in a company expedite and improve the accuracy of information transfer thanks to connecting appropriate computer applications between the companies taking part in the exchange. During the presentation, the model EDI solution will be described, as exemplified with a production company.


Attention! After the presentation there will be a lottery for the lecture participants.

You are welcome to visit us!

More information at:

Mamy zaszczyt poinformować Państwa, że począwszy od 1 stycznia 2015 roku, firma Solint-Eniac sp. z o.o. zaczęła ścisle współpracować - na poziomie handlowo-technologicznym z Grupą SCAI. Współpraca ta pozwoli na udostępnienie naszym klientom szerszej gamy rozwiazań IT, dzięki wspólnym działaniom jakie obydwie spółki (Solint-Eniac i SCAI) mogą wprowadzać w życie.